Yoga and Resistance to Create Strength 4-week series
to Oct 22

Yoga and Resistance to Create Strength 4-week series

Meets 4 Tuesdays
11:00 am-12:30pm

Add a little resistance to your yoga practice to increase muscle strength, build bone strength, and support the joints to increase stability in movement.


  • Week 1 (Oct 1): Strengthen the feet, calves and lower legs

  • Week 2 (Oct 8): Strengthen the hips

  • Week 3 (Oct 15): Strengthen the spine and core

  • Week 4 (Oct 22): Strengthen the upper back and shoulders

*Price: $100/$90.00 for Ahimsa members and if registered by 9/24/24

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11:00 AM11:00

Head-To-Toe Yoga: Feet, Posture, Balance

Improve Stability and Balance

Discover the greater potential of yoga by adapting yoga poses to increase function and alignment and address misalignment, which can cause pain and reduced functional movement. 

In this yoga workshop, Linda Troutman leads you through a yoga practice that helps you find stability through the ankles and the feet and then take that stability into standing and balance poses. The goal is to create more stability, balance and ease.

This yoga workshop includes:

  • Awareness of the breath and centering

  • Yoga asana for stretching and strengthening key muscles

  • Therapeutic elements to support each student

  • Simple anatomy to increase understanding of how the body moves

  • Techniques to reduce stress and increase relaxation

  • Home program .pdf document to increase the positive effects of the practice

It is appropriate for all, from beginning students to yoga teachers.

This program qualifies for YACEP credits with Yoga Alliance.

$50 with registration and payment 1 week prior
$60 thereafter
 Additional 4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payment

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Yoga Workshop: Turn Off The Release Valves For Optimal Alignment
2:00 PM14:00

Yoga Workshop: Turn Off The Release Valves For Optimal Alignment

Linda Troutman demonstrating poor alignment in Warrior 2

Saturday, April 27
2-5 pm

Join Linda to learn how to turn off the release valves, the habitual patterns we all bring to yoga due to tightness, lack of strength, or not understanding the alignment cues.

 This workshop will help you:

Linda Troutman demonstrating classical alignment in Warrior 2

• Identify the common release valves in yoga poses
• Cue and/or prop to minimize these release valves
• Learn how to support yourself and overcome these habitual patterns.

In this picture, Linda is demonstrating the following release valves:

  1. Her stance is too short – when she bends her knee, the knee will go over the crease of the ankle

  2. Her front hip is not externally rotated

  3. Her front knee falls inward due to tightness in the inner thigh and/or weakness in the outer hip.

  4. Her whole body goes forward due to a lack of ability to flex the hip

  5. Her arms are not integrated with the shoulder girdle

  6. Her neck is stressing in order to turn my head

  7. She feels stuck in the rotation of my neck, so she lifts her chin.

This workshop is eligible for 3 CEUs or YTT elective workshop hours.

$55 before 4/20; $65 after
(plus processing fees)

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Therapeutic Ball Workshops
to Apr 23

Therapeutic Ball Workshops

2 Tuesdays | April 16 and 23
11 am-12:30 pm

Release the issues that live in the tissues!

This 2-part workshop will include a combination of somatic and gentle yoga movements along with balls that are designed to help release the tightness and stress that lives in the muscles and the fascia--the human bodysuit.

Week 1: Spine/Shoulders, Upper Back, and Face

We will start with the spine, release the habitual holding patterns, and then move to the shoulders and upper back. The first session will include some ways to release the hidden holding of the face & jaw with a yoga self-directed “facial.”

Week 2: Feet, Hips, and Lower Back; releasing the tight muscles of these areas.


Purchase therapeutic balls on your own before the workshop
Approximately $40.00 plus shipping from

  • Two - 4.5-inch Easy Grips (2 x $8.00, any color)

  • Two - Yellow Togu Balls (2 x $10)

  • One - 2-inch Hollow Rubber Freeball ($4.00)


*Price for two workshops: $60/$50 for Ahimsa members
Price for a single class: $35

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Build or Re-Build Your Yoga Practice
to Dec 5

Build or Re-Build Your Yoga Practice

Build or Re-Build Your Yoga Practice with Linda Troutman in Warrior 1

Meets 5 Tuesdays.
10:45 am-12 Noon

This series is an introduction to the yoga practice or can act as a refinement of your current practice. Linda will share her experience as a yoga therapist and a yoga teacher who trains other teachers. She will help you develop new skills and/or fine-tune your existing skills as you explore habitual patterns that can, over time, develop into problems and/or injuries. All are welcome.

This series is an excellent way for yoga teachers, beginning and seasoned, to fine-tune their cueing and alignment skills to work with all levels of yoga students easily. The series is approved for Yoga Alliance CE credits.

Each class will build upon the previous class so we can reinforce alignment and increase stability:

  • Week 1 (Nov 7): Tadasana—Find out why this pose is called the Foundation of ALL Yoga Poses.

  • Week 2 (Nov 14): Open Hip Poses—Direct counter poses to release tight, weak muscles from sitting and strengthen weak muscles for better movement, such as walking and balancing.

  • Week 3 (Nov 21): Closed Hip Poses—Adding onto the work from the previous week, learn how to strengthen the front line of the body and the back line of the body.

  • Week 4 (Nov 28): Salutations for students of all levels. One of the benefits of a movement practice such as a safe, slow-moving Vinyasa practice is the movement of circulatory fluids, freedom of breath, and stabilization as you transition from pose to pose.

  • Week 5 (Dec 5): Taking care of YOU with a restorative and breath practice.

A PDF of the weekly practice will be supplied as a resource to build a home practice.

Price for the 5-week series: $100/$90 for Ahimsa members and those who register before 10/31/23.

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Yoga for Osteoporosis Series
to Oct 31

Yoga for Osteoporosis Series

Meets 5 Tuesdays
10:45 am-12 Noon

In the United States, an estimated 10 million people age 50 years and older have osteoporosis. Most of these people are women, but about 2 million are men. Just over 43 million more people — including 16 million men — have low bone mass, putting them at increased risk for osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is aptly named the Silent Disease because most people do not know they have it until they break a bone!


Week 1 (Oct 3): Open hip poses with supports and variations to support bone health.
Week 2 (Oct 10): Closed hip poses, including the posture and gait (walking) to support bone health.
Week 3 (Oct 17): Core and functional twists
Week 4 (Oct 24): Variations of backbends
Week 5 (Oct 31): Restorative and pranayama techniques


This series aims to enable you to modify your yoga practice so you can continue to practice safely and use the practice to strengthen your bones. It will include resistance and movement practices and yoga to increase functional stability and movement. Each session will include a pdf for a continued home practice.


*Price: $100/$90.00 for Ahimsa members and if registered by 9/26.

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Build or Re-Build Your Practice
to Jul 11

Build or Re-Build Your Practice

Meets 5 Tuesdays. No class July 4.
10:45 am-12 Noon

This series is an introduction to the yoga practice or can act as a refinement of your current practice. Linda will share her experience both as a yoga therapist and as a yoga teacher that trains other teachers. She will help you develop new skills and/or fine-tune your existing skills as you explore habitual patterns that can, over time, develop into problems and/or injuries. All are welcome.

This series is an excellent way for yoga teachers, beginning and seasoned, to fine-tune their cueing and alignment skills to work with all levels of yoga students easily. The series is approved for Yoga Alliance CE credits.

Each class will build upon the previous class so we can reinforce alignment and increase stability:

  • Week 1: Tadasana—Find out why this pose is called the Foundation of ALL Yoga Poses.

  • Week 2: Open Hip Poses—Direct counter poses to release tight, weak muscles from sitting and strengthen weak muscles for better movement such as walking and balancing.

  • Week 3: Closed Hip Poses—Adding onto the work from the previous week, learn how to strengthen the front line of the body and the back line of the body.

  • Week 4: Salutations for students of all levels. One of the benefits of a movement practice such as a safe slow-moving Vinyasa practice is the movement of circulatory fluids, freedom of breath, and stabilization as you transition from pose to pose.

  • Week 5: Taking care of YOU with a restorative and breath practice.

A pdf of the weekly practice will be supplied as a resource to build a home practice.

Price for the 5-week series: $100/$90 for Ahimsa members and those who register before 5/31.

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6:30 PM18:30

Head-To-Toe Yoga: Yoga Nidra—Zoom Only

Yoga Nidra is a non-doing practice. This class will start with a brief description of Yoga Nidra followed by some breath work and gentle movements to release tightness and tension in the body. Then, you will find a comfortable position using your home props (a bolster, two blocks, two blankets, and an eye pillow or a small towel to cover the eyes) and anything else you need to allow the body to relax completely and the mind to stay aware through the practice of Yoga Nidra.

This is called the sleep of the yogi. It's a technique that goes through the layers of the body and the spirit to release blockages and allow you to plant beautiful affirmations deep into the subconscious mind to bring about positive changes in your life.

Recommended props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, and an eye pillow or small towel to cover the eyes

This workshop is appropriate for all, from beginning students to yoga teachers.

Cost: $63 Pay online via PayPal / $60 Pay by mailing a check

This workshop will be taught online—livestream via Zoom. You will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link after you register and pay.

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6:30 PM18:30

Head-To-Toe Yoga: Yoga for the Immune system

This is a great way to allow the lymph to flow towards the heart.

Discover the greater potential of yoga by adapting yoga positions to increase function and alignment and address misalignment which can be the cause of pain and reduced efficiency.  In this class we learn yoga poses that increase lymphatic flow and restore balance to the nervous system to enhance general health/well-being.  Each class includes:

  • Awareness of the breath and centering

  • Yoga asana for stretching and strengthening key muscles

  • Therapeutic elements to support each student.

  • Simple anatomy to increase understanding of how the body moves

  • Techniques to reduce stress and increase relaxation

  • Home program pdf to use to increase the positive effects of the practice.

This workshop is appropriate for all, from beginning students to yoga teachers. Choose to attend in-person at Prairie Yoga in Lisle or online —livestream via Zoom

This program qualifies for YACEP credits with Yoga Alliance. 

$50 with paid registration one week prior;
$60 thereafter
Additional 4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payment

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6:30 PM18:30

Head-To-Toe Yoga: Upper back, Neck and Shoulders

After a few months of shrugging the shoulders and shoveling snow, you may have noted that your shoulders are achy and sore. Add to that the long hours in front of a computer screen and you have the perfect set up for weak, sore upper back, neck and shoulders. This workshop is designed to address those difficulties.

In this workshop we will:

  • Release tight and constricted muscles of the upper back neck and shoulders

  • Release tight muscles of the chest

  • Work on some techniques to position the head over the spine for better alignment

  • Release some of the upper back muscles from hunching over a screen.

  • Strengthen the muscles of the upper back and shoulders.

  • Introduce more efficient breathing patterns

  • Guide you through relaxation and meditation practices to calm the mind and nervous system.

Choose to attend in-person at Prairie Yoga in Lisle or online —livestream via Zoom

$50 each paid before Thursday, March 3;
$60 thereafter
 Additional 4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payment

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Head to Toe Yoga: Core  & Pelvic Floor
6:30 PM18:30

Head to Toe Yoga: Core & Pelvic Floor

Discover the greater potential of yoga by adapting yoga positions to increase function and alignment and address misalignment, which can be the cause of pain and reduced functional movement. In each class, we’ll target a specific area of the body with the goal of creating more stability and ease.

Each class includes:

  • Awareness of the breath and centering

  • Yoga asana for stretching and strengthening key muscles

  • Hands-on assistance from apprentices in the 500-hour teacher trainee program

  • Props and adaptations to address limitations or concerns

  • Simple anatomy to increase understanding of how the body moves

  • Techniques to reduce stress and increase relaxation

  • Home program pdf to use to increase the positive effects of the practice.

Jessica Martini will be teaching this workshop.

Held In-Person at Prairie Yoga in Lisle and livestreamed Online via Zoom

This workshop is appropriate for all, from beginning students to yoga teachers.

This program qualifies for YACEP credits with Yoga Alliance.

Apprenticeships are available for yoga teachers. Contact Linda to learn more

Fee: $60
Save $10!
$50 if paid one week prior
4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payment

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Head To Toe Yoga: Restorative Yoga Workshop to Build Resilience
6:30 PM18:30

Head To Toe Yoga: Restorative Yoga Workshop to Build Resilience

Jessica Martini demonstrates a restorative yoga pose

The aim of this restorative yoga workshop is to relax, recover and let go of physical tension, mental stress, and anxiety. The muscles are gently stretched, and the pose is intended to be assumed with the least possible effort by using props.

Discover the greater potential of yoga by adapting yoga positions to increase function and alignment and address misalignment, which can be the cause of pain and reduced functional movement. In each class, we’ll target a specific area of the body with the goal of creating more stability and ease.

Each class includes:

  • Awareness of the breath and centering

  • Yoga asana for stretching and strengthening key muscles

  • Hands-on assistance from apprentices in the 500-hour teacher trainee program

  • Props and adaptations to address limitations or concerns

  • Simple anatomy to increase understanding of how the body moves

  • Techniques to reduce stress and increase relaxation

  • Home program pdf to use to increase the positive effects of the practice.

Jessica Martini will be teaching this workshop.

Held In-Person at Prairie Yoga in Lisle and livestreamed Online via Zoom

This workshop is appropriate for all, from beginning students to yoga teachers.

This program qualifies for YACEP credits with Yoga Alliance.

Apprenticeships are available for yoga teachers. Contact Linda to learn more

Fee: $60
Save $10!
$50 if paid one week prior
4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payment

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6:30 PM18:30

Head-To-Toe Yoga: Low Back

Increase hip flexion to create a long spine

Discover the greater potential of yoga by adapting yoga positions to increase function and alignment and address misalignment which can be the cause of pain and or decreased functional movement.  In this class, we will work with supported poses to reduce discomfort in the lower back.  We will also work on poses that lengthen the spine, open the hips, and strengthen the core and back muscles to increase stability throughout the whole body including the spine.  This class includes:

  • Awareness of the breath and centering

  • Yoga asana for stretching and strengthening key muscles

  • Therapeutic elements to support each student

  • Simple anatomy to increase understanding of how the body moves

  • Techniques to reduce stress and increase relaxation

  • Home program pdf to increase the positive effects of the practice

This workshop is appropriate for all, from beginning students to yoga teachers. Choose to attend in-person at Prairie Yoga in Lisle or online —livestream via Zoom

This program qualifies for YACEP credits with Yoga Alliance

$50 with paid registration by Fri, December 2, 2022
$60 thereafter
 An additional 4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payment


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6:30 PM18:30

Head-To-Toe Yoga: Knees & Hips

Reduce Pain and Stiffness in Knees & Hips

Discover the greater potential of yoga by adapting yoga poses to increase function and alignment and address misalignment, which can cause pain and reduced functional movement. In this workshop, we will work on releasing and stabilizing the hips and buttock muscles to decrease stress on the knees, reduce pain, and increase flexibility and ease of movement.

Each class includes:

  • Awareness of the breath and centering

  • Yoga asana for stretching and strengthening key muscles

  • Therapeutic elements to support each student

  • Simple anatomy to increase understanding of how the body moves

  • Techniques to reduce stress and increase relaxation

  • Home program pdf document to increase the positive effects of the practice.

This workshop is appropriate for all, from beginning students to yoga teachers. Choose to attend in-person at Prairie Yoga in Lisle or online —livestream via Zoom.

This program qualifies for YACEP credits with Yoga Alliance

$50 each paid one week prior
$60 thereafter
 Additional 4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payment


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1:00 PM13:00

Increase Your Income by Teaching YOGA PRIVATES

Yoga Workshop for Teachers & Teacher Trainees

Optimize your time and skills by increasing your ability to offer private yoga lessons in person and on a virtual platform such as Zoom. In this workshop, you’ll gain skills and techniques to increase your confidence to teach effective private sessions and discover how teaching a private is different than teaching a class. Fine tune your assessment skills and learn how to “see” your student when teaching a private session.

In this workshop, you’ll:

  • Learn how to assess your student’s stability and mobility using common yoga poses

  • Learn how to use this information to develop a sequence that will address the needs of your student

  • Develop tools to help with assessment

  • Learn how to set up a safe environment to allow your student maximum potential to heal

  • Learn how to set guidelines for time, price, location, and waivers/liability

  • Learn how to compile a therapeutic manual or a home program for your student to work on

This workshop will be taught in person at the studio.

$75 with registration and payment by Thursday, October 6, 2022
$85 thereafter
 Additional 4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payment

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6:30 PM18:30

Head-To-Toe Yoga: Feet, Posture, Balance

Improve Stability and Balance

Discover the greater potential of yoga by adapting yoga poses to increase function and alignment and address misalignment, which can cause pain and reduced functional movement. 

In this yoga workshop, Linda Troutman leads you through a yoga practice that helps you find stability through the ankles and the feet and then take that stability into standing and balance poses. The goal is to create more stability, balance and ease.

This yoga workshop includes:

  • Awareness of the breath and centering

  • Yoga asana for stretching and strengthening key muscles

  • Therapeutic elements to support each student

  • Simple anatomy to increase understanding of how the body moves

  • Techniques to reduce stress and increase relaxation

  • Home program .pdf document to increase the positive effects of the practice

It is appropriate for all, from beginning students to yoga teachers. Choose to attend in-person at Prairie Yoga in Lisle or online —livestream via Zoom.

This program qualifies for YACEP credits with Yoga Alliance.

$50 with registration and payment 1 week prior
$60 thereafter
 Additional 4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payment

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How to Use Wall Ropes to Enhance Your Practice
1:00 PM13:00

How to Use Wall Ropes to Enhance Your Practice

Join Linda Troutman & Jessica Martini at the rope wall in Elmhurst.

Held In-Person at Ahimsa Yoga in Elmhurst

This workshop will include:

  • Demonstrations of the safe use of wall ropes

  • Yoga poses and movement practices using the wall ropes to deepen your yoga practice.

Use yoga wall ropes to:

  • Open and strengthen shoulders

  • Increase core strength

  • Assist inversions

  • Increase spinal backbends

  • Increase hip and spinal traction.

Register early - class is limited to 10 students.

Fee: $60 for members of Ahimsa, $55 for non-members
Save $10!
$50 for members if paid by 9/25/22, $45 for non-members

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Art of Teaching Therapeutics
to Sep 25

Art of Teaching Therapeutics

Through the prism of yoga, pure light breaks down into a tool kit of techniques to help the individual reach their optimum unfolding and maximum potential.

In the normal course of life, it is inevitable that people get unexpected and unwanted initiations into a variety of bodily ailments. It is imperative for any skilled yoga teacher to be able to guide their student when these health problems, whether acute or chronic show up.

IAYT Approved course for Professional Development for Continuing Education
12 Contact hours

Learn more

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to Oct 30

Fundamentals of Yoga Anatomy

Linda Troutman with a Skelton teaching Fundamentals of Yoga Anatomy

Note: This Class Meets over 2 weekends!
September 17-18, 2022 and October 29-30, 2022
Saturday-Sunday, 10:30 am - 5:00 pm with a half hour lunch break
(30 total hours: 25 contact hours + 5 hours self-paced online)

Study The Human Body

The study of the human body in relation to yoga moves beyond muscles and bones, to a deeper level of understanding of ourselves. Gaining knowledge of anatomy informs how the body moves, how to move safely and how to keep the mind grounded in reality. As a result, you approach yoga poses from the inside out, rather than from the outside in. This training includes an anatomy manual, lecture, bio-feedback, and home-study workbook. Workbook completion is required for those seeking course credit.

This course will teach you:

  • the major muscles and bones of the body and their primary action and function

  • muscle action and function in asana

  • how to reduce the risk of injury to yourself and students

  • how to clearly instruct and cue your students

  • effective communication with therapists, doctors and other members of your yoga community

Additional covered content will include:

  • a closer look at the nervous system focusing on the Vagus Nerve and Yoga.

  • the different organ systems of the human body (endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, urinary)

Who is this training for?

This course is required for the Prairie Yoga Foundational 250-Hour Teacher Training. It is open to ALL teachers, teachers-in-training, and interested students.

Required Book
(purchase on your own before the course begins)
Anatomy and Yoga: A Guide for Teachers and Students by Ellen Saltonstall

The materials for this course are pre-ordered based on the number of participants, therefore we cannot accept any registration after Thursday, September 8, 2022



Early Price: $525 paid in full by Thursday, September 1, 2022;
4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payments.
**Special refund policy in effect. No credits or refunds less than 2 weeks before the event.

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9:30 AM09:30

Practicing SomaYoga

In this workshop learn how to

  • Discover how somatic movements and therapeutic yoga can help to re-educate the brain and the muscles for optimal well-being.

  • Release the holding patterns of the body and the mind to release stress and anxiety

  • Be guided through relaxation methods to create space in the body and the mind and embody a new understanding of ease and equanimity.

Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing or yoga apparel, and bring a yoga mat.

All participants will be given a program for continued practice.

3 CEU credits available through Yoga Alliance for yoga instructors

Masks are required to be worn regardless of vaccination status

Cost: $45 when paid by April 13.
$55 afterward

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9:30 AM09:30

The Issues Live in the Tissues: SomaYoga to Release Stress and Anxiety Workshop

  • United Methodist Church of Geneva (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Issues Live in the Tissues: SomaYoga to Release Stress and Anxiety with Linda Troutman, C-IAYT Friday, March 25, 2022 at 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Held in-person at United Methodist Church of Geneva and livestream via Zoom

I said to my body softly, I want to be your friend, and my body took a long deep sigh and replied, I have been waiting my whole life for this
— Nayyirah Waheed

For more than a year now, we have all been dealing with the fear and anxiety associated with the COVID pandemic. The body has responded in the best way it knows how, it went into protect mode. In somatics, we refer to this as the RED LIGHT PATTERN. Like the name suggests it is about stopping and protecting.

Add to this the long hours of sitting and or not moving at the same quantity, aging, and the effects of Gravity and Father time, the body starts to respond by curling inward and over. This has major ramifications on posture, breath, mental well-being, focus, balance, anxiety & levels of stress.

This workshop will focus on countering all of these negative effects and promote:

  • Re-education of the body-mind connection to release the Red Light pattern

  • Mental and Physical Well-being

  • Increased capacity to breathe

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety

  • Increased ability to relax both the body and the mind through relaxation techniques.

A program will be sent to all participants after the workshop to encourage continued home practice.


$35 paid by Friday, March 18, 2022
$45 thereafter
checks should be payable to Colleen Fasbender.

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6:30 PM18:30

Head-To-Toe Yoga: Upper back, Neck and Shoulders

Yoga for Upper Back, Neck and Shoulders

After a few months of shrugging the shoulders and shoveling snow, you may have noted that your shoulders are achy and sore. Add to that the long hours in front of a computer screen and you have the perfect set up for weak, sore upper back, neck and shoulders. This workshop is designed to address those difficulties.

In this workshop we will:

  • Release tight and constricted muscles of the upper back neck and shoulders

  • Release tight muscles of the chest

  • Work on some techniques to position the head over the spine for better alignment

  • Release some of the upper back muscles from hunching over a screen.

  • Strengthen the muscles of the upper back and shoulders.

  • Introduce more efficient breathing patterns

  • Guide you through relaxation and meditation practices to calm the mind and nervous system.

Choose to attend in-person at Prairie Yoga in Lisle or online —livestream via Zoom

$40 each paid before Thursday, March 3;
$50 thereafter
 Additional 4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payment

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6:30 PM18:30

Head-To-Toe Yoga for Healthy Hips

If you have been noticing that your hips are cranky and seem to complain more than they used to then this workshop is for you.

This workshop will focus on:

  • Strengthening the muscles of the feet, legs, buttocks & hips that weaken while sitting

  • Stretch tight muscles and fascia of the hips that tighten while sitting or not moving

  • Re-education of muscles that have been on vacation to increase hip stability

  • Release of the stress muscle, the Psoas (hip stabilizer, hip flexor)

  • Breath practices to increase ease of the breath.

  • Address asymmetries in the ways that hips function

  • Relaxation/meditation to calm the nervous system

Held in-person at Prairie Yoga in Lisle and livestream via Zoom

This workshop is appropriate for all, from beginning students to yoga teachers.

This program qualifies for YACEP credits with Yoga Alliance

$40 each paid before Thursday, February 3
$50 thereafter
 Additional 4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payment


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1:00 PM13:00

The Issues Live in the Tissues: SomaYoga to Release Stress and Anxiety Workshop

  • Prairie Yoga (In Person + Online) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Issues Live in the Tissues: SomaYoga to Release Stress and Anxiety with Linda Troutman, C-IAYT Sat, Jan 8, 2022 at 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Held in-person at Pairie Yoga studio in Lisle and livestream via Zoom

I said to my body softly, I want to be your friend, and my body took a long deep sigh and replied, I have been waiting my whole life for this
— Nayyirah Waheed

For more than a year now, we have all been dealing with the fear and anxiety associated with the COVID pandemic. The body has responded in the best way it knows how, it went into protect mode. In somatics, we refer to this as the RED LIGHT PATTERN. Like the name suggests it is about stopping and protecting.

Add to this the long hours of sitting and or not moving at the same quantity, aging, and the effects of Gravity and Father time, the body starts to respond by curling inward and over. This has major ramifications on posture, breath, mental well-being, focus, balance, anxiety & levels of stress.

This workshop will focus on countering all of these negative effects and promote:

  • Re-education of the body-mind connection to release the Red Light pattern

  • Mental and Physical Well-being

  • Increased capacity to breathe

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety

  • Increased ability to relax both the body and the mind through relaxation techniques.

A program will be sent to all participants after the workshop to encourage continued home practice.


$59 paid by Thursday, January 4, 2022
$65 thereafter
Additional 4.5% transaction fee for credit card payments

After you register, please email us at and let us know if you plan to attend in person or on Zoom.

All in-person attendees must be vaccinated and wear a mask at all times.

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500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Adaptation: Common Conditions & Special Populations
to Mar 22

500 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Adaptation: Common Conditions & Special Populations

One of the 4 Modules of the 500 Hour Advanced TT Certification
54 hours

Held at Pairie Yoga in Lisle IL

Learn how to adapt and modify the practice for a wide variety of students and different health conditions such as low back and hip issues, seniors, cancer, scoliosis, depression, anxiety, pregnancy, and more. 

Build a private practice, become a specialized workshop presenter, and expand your teaching career.

If you did not take your 200 hour training with Prairie Yoga, we highly recommend (but don't require) that you take the Teaching Skills module prior to taking the Adaptation module.

Learn more

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6:30 PM18:30

Restorative Yoga + Reiki Workshop

Restorative Yoga + Reiki with Linda Troutman, C-IAYT

Held in-person at Prairie Yoga

A much-deserved R&R (Restorative & Reiki) practice with poses that are gentle and supported. The intention of the class will be to release tightness in the muscles and calm the mind to invite emotional resilience and healing as we head toward the holiday season. The last part of the class will be a healing reiki session directed and guided by Linda.


$30 paid by Monday, November 8, 2021
$35 thereafter

Additional 4.5% transaction fee for credit card payments

All in-person attendees must be vaccinated and wear a mask at all times.

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12:00 PM12:00

Therapeutic Yoga Sequencing Workshop

Therapeutic Sequencing Workshop with Linda Troutman, C-IAYT

Held in-person at Praire Yoga and Live via Zoom

This workshop is geared to 200- & 500-hour yoga teachers that want to increase their income by developing skills for therapeutic sequencing either for workshops or privates.

Learn how sequencing for a multi-level class is different than sequencing for a therapeutic workshop or a private yoga session.

  • Develop the ability to sequence from low load to high load to increase stability for your student.

  • Increase your knowledge of the use of props to assist your student in gaining competence and confidence in their movement patterns.

  • Use yoga poses to assess and determine asymmetries in muscles groups that could be the cause of pain and or injury.


$100 paid by Thursday, October 7, 2021
$115 thereafter

Additional 4.5% transaction fee for credit card payments

After you register, please email us at and let us know if you plan to attend in person or on Zoom.

All in-person attendees must be vaccinated and wear a mask at all times.

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Art of Teaching Therapeutics Training
to Sep 26

Art of Teaching Therapeutics Training

Required Add-On Class for the 500 Hour Advanced Certification
12 Contact hours

Through the prism of yoga, pure light breaks down into a tool kit of techniques to help the individual reach their optimum unfolding and maximum potential. In the normal course of life, it is inevitable that people get unexpected and unwanted initiations into a variety of bodily ailments. It is imperative for any skilled yoga teacher to be able to guide their student when these health problems, whether acute or chronic show up.

IAYT Approved course for Professional Development for Continuing Education

Learn more

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1:00 PM13:00

Age with Grace: Yoga for Healthy Aging during the Pandemic (Online)

"We are all aging and our goal is to do it well"

Come join me as I share information that I have learned while training with Baxter Bell one of the founders of Yoga for Healthy Aging blog and author of the book under the same title. In this workshop you will discover ways to use your yoga practice to stay healthy and age with grace. We will focus on finding ways to change your movement patterns in your yoga practice to:

  • Increase stability and agility to prevent falls

  • Increase circulation for heart health and lymphatic flow

  • Increase mental clarity -

  • Create new neural pathways – Train the brain

  • Increase emotional resilience

  • Decrease stress

This class will allow you to work within your capacity and be adapted for individual needs. It is being offered live online.

$55 each paid one week prior
$65 thereafter
Additional 4.5% transaction fee for credit card payments

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to Sep 27

The Art of Teaching Therapeutics


Through the prism of yoga, pure light breaks down into a tool kit of techniques to help the individual reach their optimum unfolding and maximum potential. In the normal course of life, it is inevitable that people get unexpected and unwanted initiations into a variety of bodily ailments. It is imperative for any skilled yoga teacher to be able to guide their student when these health problems, whether acute or chronic show up.

  • Awareness of the breath and centering

  • Yoga asana for stretching and strengthening key muscles

  • Therapeutic adaptations to address limitations or concerns

  • Simple anatomy to increase understanding of how the body moves

  • Techniques to reduce stress and increase relaxation

Sessions will focus on feet, posture and balance; knees, hips and low back; shoulders and neck; and restorative poses to relax and renew. We will cover the fundamentals of how to sequence classes to enable each student to reach their full potential.

This course has been approved by IAYT as CE credits for certified yoga therapists and is open to all teachers and trainees from all traditions. Required course for 500 Hour certification. Counts as 12 hours of electives for 250 Hour certification.

$275 by September 18, 2020
$325 thereafter
4.5% transaction fee added for credit card payment

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