Yoga Nidra is a non-doing practice. This class will start with a brief description of Yoga Nidra followed by some breath work and gentle movements to release tightness and tension in the body. Then, you will find a comfortable position using your home props (a bolster, two blocks, two blankets, and an eye pillow or a small towel to cover the eyes) and anything else you need to allow the body to relax completely and the mind to stay aware through the practice of Yoga Nidra.
This is called the sleep of the yogi. It's a technique that goes through the layers of the body and the spirit to release blockages and allow you to plant beautiful affirmations deep into the subconscious mind to bring about positive changes in your life.
Recommended props: 1 bolster, 2 blocks, 2 blankets, and an eye pillow or small towel to cover the eyes
This workshop is appropriate for all, from beginning students to yoga teachers.
Cost: $63 Pay online via PayPal / $60 Pay by mailing a check
This workshop will be taught online—livestream via Zoom. You will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link after you register and pay.