
Attend the breath
Let the rhythm slow and settle
Allow the breath to be like an ocean wave  
Gently rolling in and gently rolling out
On the inhale bring in what you need
On the exhale, surrender and let go of what does not serve


Group Yoga Classes


Linda teaches weekly breath-centered hatha yoga classes in yoga studio settings and online via Zoom. Support is offered so that the postures and the practice can be adapted to your therapeutic needs. All classes include time for movement (asana), breathing practices (praṇayama), and meditation.

divider  line with small sunflower in the center

Therapeutic Yoga & Somatics


For all ages and abilities, including those who are recovering from injury, chronic conditions, or any other issue that needs special attention.

This class blends the therapeutic application of yoga with extensive use of props and gentle somatic movements to re-educate and release habitual movement patterns based on the work of Thomas Hanna. 


Each class encourages you to work within your capacity and is adapted (with input from the student and observation of the instructor as to chronic patterns of stress) for the needs of those who attend. Give yourself this time to focus on healing your body, mind, and spirit.

Class starts with breath awareness, proceeds to gentle movements that create space in the spine, and then focuses on creating better movement patterns in the hips, shoulders, and other parts of the body.