A Unique Approach to Teaching Yoga
Whether Linda is teaching:
a beginner yoga student in a class,
a private yoga student,
a student that has sought out yoga therapy for a health issue,
a teacher trainee in the 250 or 500 hour teaching training program
mentoring yoga teachers,
her philosophy is the same–
Yoga can meet you where you are.
This means Linda works with her students and teacher trainees in an integrated way.
Let's explain...
Linda’s gift is that she is very adept at breaking movement (asanas) down into components, and then rebuilding the movement patterns (postures) back up to create a stronger foundation, thus going back to the Patanjali tenet of stability and ease. This sense of ease creates space for expansion in all directions and personal transformation. She brings a wealth of knowledge, a compassionate spirit and a sense of joy and humor into her classes. Linda truly loves teaching yoga and it shows.
During the All Embracing teacher training we break down Purvottanasana (Upward Facing Plank) to support the abilities of each student.
When yoga students (& teacher trainees) work with Linda, they develop the awareness and skills to help them manage:
Neck pain
Shoulder immobility
Back pain
Hip or knee pain
Hip or knee replacement recovery
Autoimmune disorders (arthritis, fibromyalgia)
Cancer recovery
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Plantar fascitis
Sacroiliac pain
There are many additional health conditions that can be managed and reduced through the practice of Yoga Therapy.
And they begin to experience the benefits:
Managed and/or reduced pain or discomfort
Increased mobility, balance, stability and strength
A sense of ease in their body and mind
Linda's goal is to empower her students. With her guidance, you will decrease your stress and anxiety, improve your energy, focus, emotional resilience and allow your body to re-establish your natural rhythms (sleep).