Filtering by: United Methodist Church

9:30 AM09:30

Therapeutic Yoga Workshop: Yoga for Healthy Aging

  • United Methodist Church of Geneva (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come join me as I share information that I have learned while training with Baxter Bell one of the founders of Yoga for Healthy Aging blog and author of the book under the same title. In this workshop you will discover ways to use your yoga practice to stay healthy. We will focus on finding ways to change your movement patterns in your yoga practice to: 

  • Increase stability and agility 
  • Increase circulation for heart health 
  • Increase mental clarity 
  • Create new neural pathways – Train the brain 
  • Increase emotional resilience 
  • Decrease Stress 

This class will allow you to work within your capacity and be adapted for the needs of those who attend. Give yourself this time to focus on healing your body, mind and spirit.

$35 paid before March 10;
$45 thereafter

Feel the Power in this pose - Warrior II

Feel the Power in this pose - Warrior II

Contact Colleen to register at or 630 715-9012

Make checks payable to Colleen Fasbender. Bring a yoga mat.

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