The All Embracing method is very supportive and hands on..
Come join me to learn all about the upcoming Prairie Yoga Institute’s All Embracing 250 Hour Yoga Teacher Training* to be held at Just Breathe Yoga in Crest Hill, IL. With the sampler class and information session, you’ll meet me and experience my teaching style, and learn about the format and content of the training. Feel free to attend either one or both parts. Registration beforehand is requested, but not required.
The All Embracing 250 Hour Yoga Teacher Training is a unique variation of Prairie Yoga’s standard 250 hour teacher training programs designed to prepare you to teach beginning and intermediate yoga classes. The All-Embracing 250 Hour Yoga Teacher Training (AE) is a progressive approach to teacher training that expands upon the standard teacher training with its special emphasis on making the postures more accessible to anyone, including those with health issues.
Perfect for everyone including nurses, psychologists, physical therapists, and others in health professions. The course starts Friday October 1, 2019 and will meet on Tuesdays through April 14, 2020. Learn more.
$20 Sampler Class 10:30–11:45 am
Join us for a yoga intensive aimed at helping you evolve from within. Set your intention to infuse your life with positive change. By releasing old patterns, we create space to reveal our essence and to realize the power that is always within us. Our teaching places a special emphasis on aligning the mind, body and spirit to develop deep wisdom and mindfulness.
FREE Information Meeting 12 Noon-1 pm
Learn more about the All Embracing 250 Hour Prairie Yoga Teacher Training program and meet the instructor, Linda Troutman. We will discuss the content and format of the training, review the certification requirements and answer your questions. You can also review a copy of the Teacher Training Manual.
*Prairie Yoga Institute offers one of the top yoga teacher training courses in the Midwest, known for its emphasis on alignment and anatomy and for developing highly-skilled yoga teachers. Just Breathe Yoga is in partnership with Prairie Yoga to offer this foundational teacher training.